Xocoflan Ingredients: – 0100085 Ken Trufa (200 g) – 2000706 Ken Huevo Entero (200 g) – Skimmed milk (200 g) – Liquid caramel (1 dessertspoon) A spectacular recipe for chocolate lovers. Discover how to surprise the most demanding clients in simple steps. Preparation: Apply liquid caramel to the bottoms of aluminium or...

Ingredientes Xocoflan: - 0100085 Ken Trufa (200 g) - 2000706 Ken Huevo Entero - Pasteurizado (200 g) - Leche desnatada (200 g) - Caramelo líquido (1 cucharada sopera)   Espectacular receta para los amantes del chocolate. Descubre en simples pasos como sorprender a los clientes más exigentes. [caption id="attachment_12245" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Xocoflan[/caption]  Pasos a...

KEN TRUFA It is chocolate's best ally, as it takes its taste to filling, topping and cake decorations. As it is mainly composed of pure chocolate couverture, it provides the authentic taste and creaminess of chocolate. Fillings, toppings and decorations....

Ofrece a tus clientes postres originales, artesanales y realizados por ti mismo. Es la mejor manera de fidelizar y enamorar a los nuevos clientes. En Ken nos esforzamos en ofrecerte recetas originales para que llenes y optimices tu carta de postres con recetas artesanales. Con Ken Trufa crearás estas...

Offer original, handmade by yourself desserts to your clients. It is the best way to catch and retain new customers. At Ken we try hard to offer you original recipes to complete and optimize your dessert menu with artisan options. With Ken Trufa you will create these magnificent...