Coconut Log

A magical way to surprise your customers with daring and exquisite desserts, but very easy to implement.

Ken elaborate recipes for you to offer your customers a new way of making, presenting and increase your supply in desserts.

With our products you can optimize resources and offer new proposals full of creativity, with the increasingly appreciated craftsmanship.

Steps to follow::

Whipp Ken Lactea 35% in a whipper medium speed with sugar and coconut pulp.

Arrange on a sheet of cocoa sponge cake.

Roll up tightly to get a tree rings effect.

Freeze slightly to handle it.

Paint it with coconut cream previously made and spread some grated coconut over it.

It can be stored in the freezer or refrigerator but serve at refrigerator temperature.


– 0102221 Ken Lactea 35% (500 g)

– Cocoa sponge cake sheet

– Coco pulp (250 g)

– Sugar (60 g)

– Grated coconut c / s

Timescale: 15 minutes

With Ken recipes you will surprise your customers.