Coco cigar

To create new desserts and surprise your customers will not be difficult,
if you follow the steps below.

At Ken, we believe in personalization and homemade desserts, thus
we offer you easy solutions to transform and increase your offer in desserts.


Steps to follow:

Whip Ken Láctea 35% in a whipper at medium speed with sugar and coconut pulp to the desired texture.

Arrange on a plate of cocoa sponge cake.

Roll up slightly to shape a cigar.

Freeze the piece to bathe in chocolate.

Once frozen, apply a chocolate bath.

It can be stored in the freezer or refrigerator, but when serving must be at refrigerator temperature.



Ken Lactea 35% 0102221 (500 g)

– Cocoa sheet cake

– Cocoa pulp (250 g)

– Sugar (60 g)

– Chocolate bath

Timescale: 15 minutes

Cool in refrigerator before serving

With Ken recipes you will surprise your customers.